meet your host

Jena Alviti
Heyyy, Hyper Minds! I’m Jena – a 90’s kid, ADHDer, and entrepreneur. I wasn’t diagnosed until after I had my first baby, so my relationship with this diagnosis has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least!
I have a Bachelors’ Degree in Art, and ran a successful Photography Studio for 15 years. I live in New Fairfield, CT with my husband, kids, dogs, and bunnies.
When i was diagnosed with “severe ADHD” it changed e v e r y t h i n g. So much about my life finally made sense! But now what?! What exactly did it mean?! Thankfully, my love for learning kicked into high gear. As I embarked on my research, I was quickly disheartened to see that every article, video, and blog post regarding adults with ADHD was basically either advice for other people on how to “deal” with us, or strategies that we should implement to make us function more like the normies. It all felt very “just work harder and you can fit in too!” There was no place to go for positive reinforcement. But after years of working with an amazing therapist, parenting kids who also have ADHD, and never giving up on myself, I’ve come to really appreciate and love my unique brain and want to help others to do the same.
(( I am in no way a medical professional of any kind – just a passionate advocate! Please consult your doctor and/or therapist for a formal diagnosis and treatment plan.))
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